For You Have Been..

I come here this afternoon not really understanding why, but that seems to be the normal. I’m not saying I am normal, because that is totally not the case. I adopt fish, and answer for my pup when I ask him questions. Sometimes I wear socks with my flip flops. I leave three minute long voicemails if the phone is not answered and usually they are not about what I was calling for. I mean, this is me. For once, I am alright with it. Life is good today, but really there is always good in every day. I wanted to share something that I have been chewing on for a little bit. It is the word “refuge” which we see a lot in the Bible. I have done word studies, and looked up definitions of it because that is what I do. I am weird we have already discussed this. Yes, I am going somewhere with this it just may take a minute or twelve I do not know really. But you already know this if you follow me on this here blog. To the new ones, well just hold on for a minute because somehow God always makes it make sense. Even to me.

Refuge throughout the Bible we see it as shelter from the storm (Isaiah 25:4), a tower of strength (Psalm 46:1), to trust (Psalm 118:8) and a safe place to go (Psalm 16:1). There are so so many places where refuge is used and it has been my comfort the past couple of days. No, I am not struggling, but sometimes overwhelmed, yes. From work being super crazy busy to the decisions ahead of me. My refuge word showed up in a Psalm that I really happen to love, and the first time I saw it this is what the version I was reading from said, “From the ends of the earth, I cry to you for help when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the towering rock of safety, for you are my safe refuge, a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me.” Psalms 61:2-3 I love everything about that to be honest. When compared with the NKJV the beginning of verse 3 says this, “For you have been a shelter for me..”

Have been

Most suggest that in this Psalm, David is running from his son, Absalom, during the time of his rebellion. This is not the first time he was running for his life. His past experiences grew his faith, AND I LOVE THAT! Sorry I yelled at you, I just well it fits perfect in my life at the moment. As a matter of fact when I read it this morning I loved it so much that I looked it up in the strongs. It also means hope and trust. All four of the words can fit in there when David said as he’s crying out to God, “For you have been my refuge, my shelter, my hope, and my trust.” It all goes! David knew who God was to him. He knew and witnessed the Lord’s hand, and His faithfulness throughout his life. Do you smile? I do. Especially today when I needed the reminder that not only is God my refuge on March 1, 2019, but he has been my refuge from the beginning. I have never went without. I have always been provided for, and even in the hardest times He has remained faithful. Because that is who He is. That is who He will always be. I found a note the other day when I was cleaning out my drawer that apparently I had written at some point and it said this, “Of course the climb is hard”. I do not have a clue where I got that from, but by the time I found it again, I needed it. The climb may be hard and frustrating and you’re over it already but just wait! Wait till you see the view- it will be worth it in the end.

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